

Assistant Professor University of Iceland🇮🇸👩🏼‍🏫PhD in Engineering👩🏼‍🎓Mom of 2👧🏼👶🏼 Wife💍CrossFit👊🏼W.Lifting🏋🏼PlantBased🌍

Expat, Iceland ⛰Outdoor Lover 🖋️ Webdesign / Texte 💍 Hochzeitsfotografie 🌱 vegane Ernährungsberatung

icelandichorse vegan animalfree design strategy e-commerse bedandbreakfast swedishdesign Höganäs yoga interior designagency irishwolfhound daughter ❤️

📍 LA | Reykjavík 🌱 Vegan 📖 American Academy of Dramatic Arts

Líkami og Heilsa ehf Health Coach🌱Yoga Teacher 🥑 Personal trainer💎 Plant-based🍉Sugar free vegan

Findom Goddess 💸 🐷 Vegan 🌱 Ferret Mom 🐾 Wanderlust 🏝 St. Croix 💖 Bonaire 💖 Iceland

Iceland. vegan 🌿 - Blogger - Foodie - Ethical and sustainable fashion - Minimal waste ♻️

🏳️‍🌈😈🍍🤗❤️🌎🥕💰😋💅💋🌱☀️🌈💦 animal lover 🐷🐸🐶🐻🐔🐨🐼 Muay Thai😋😋😋😋 vegan🌱🌱 🌱dark sense of humor🤪🤪🤪

Health and wellness warrior🌟🙌Living in Iceland ❄❤ Contact me 💻📧 for nutrition counseling, recipe development, or just say hi👋 vegan🐑🐰

👭 Systur sem elska góðan mat! 🍌🍉🍊🍒 🌱vegan 📍Reykjavík, Iceland 📍Piteå, Sweden

Vegan 🌱 Powerlifter National record holder 🥇 IPF -84kg 🏋️‍♀️ Icelandic ❄

🐷🐮Vegan for all beings 👶🏽💙 Bab due August 2019 📚M.Ed. early childhood education 📍Reykjavík🇮🇸

Elin is a green yogini. An Icelandic, jivamukti certified yoga instructor, vegan activist, cancer survivor and most importantly a mother of three.

Vegan 🌱 Brand ambassador for REF Stockholm Iceland ✨ Icelandic 🇩🇪 German 💕

Icelandic/American. Actor/Writer. Vegan & excited about it. Mother of 2 cats & a catlike dog. 🌆C H I C A G O🌃

VeganDragQueen, Cooking Show/Podcast Host, Speaker on AnimalRights & Social Justice, Landmark Graduate, Coach, Icelandophile